
What wowed us in '73


  1. That was awful! I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing. Too much hair & too much yodeling for my liking. Good job that all that silly prog rock stuff was blown away by the New Wave bands of the later 70's.

    I'm not sure that I should link to your blog anymore. I don't want people to think that I might approve of "Focus". ;-)

  2. I was hoping you could see beyond all that to the genius. Ah well.

  3. Quite incredible!

    Afraid I didn't watch it all either though.

    I know your hair used to be something like that - could you do the yodelling? :-)

  4. It's worth watching to the end to see the crowd's reaction

  5. Genuis? Much blogging hath made thee mad! ;-)

  6. That was truly awful. And I thought T. Rex was bad!

    P.S. To enter this comment I've been asked to type in "pdevw" in the word verification box. Does that mean something in your language?

  7. Dydy 'n glws at canfod a caech dwr a byncio i mewn Cymraeg...

  8. Sori, 'dwi ddim yn wedi weld hwn tan nawr. 'Dwi ddim yn siarad cymraeg yn wir a 'dwi ddim yn deall beth oeddet ti'n dweud. The internet suggested 'He is being heartburn pretty to see I go you had he heaps I go sing in Welsh' but that can't be right can it?

  9. Eich Cymraeg ydy mo da. I mewn Saesneg ddeudaist (yn ôl 'r Rhyngrwyd):

    "Sori , ' I am being anything crookedly you deny see this under now. ' I am being anything speaking Welsh truly I go ' I am being anything understanding thing ) you ' heartburn say."

  10. Clearly computer translations are not the answer.
