
January Conferences

[Ware; Gaffin, Beale, Wells]
One blessing of ministering in the UK is that there is no shortage of opportunity for conference. They can be a real blessing. See for an example the Dec 03 entry here
Next month there are at least three on offer. I'm proud to have received an invitation to the second Eccentric ministers conference in Cardiff. This is a laid back, no frills, Cymro-centric get together that first met last year. Geoff Thomas and Stuart Olyott spoke. This year it's Dick Lucas and Geoff. I'm sorry not to be there. I guess lots of little conferences like this go on.
The month kicks off with the Carey Conference in Swanwick. This long running 'Baptist Banner' is one I always try to get to. Speakers include Bruce Ware (Professor Christian Theology, Senior Associate Dean, School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Author God's Lesser Glory; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, etc.) Bob Letham, Ray Evans, John Benton, et al. Should be good. See here for more.
Then at the end of the month Affinity have their study conference at High Leigh on The Forgotten Christ. Papers are distributed beforehand and most of the time is taken up with discussion. The programme announced is as follows
1: From NT to Chalcedon – Andrew McGowan , Principal of Highland Theological College
2: The Psychological or Inner Life of Christ – Philip Eveson, Principal LTS
3: The Cry of Dereliction – Paul Wells, Professor Systematic Theology, Faculté Libre de Théologie Réformée, Aix en Provence
4: The Ascension and Heavenly Ministry of Christ – Matthew Sleeman, Lecturer NT Studies/NT Greek, Oak Hill, London
5: The Last Adam and the Life Giving Spirit – Dick Gaffin, Professor Biblical and Systematic Theology Westminster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania
6: Worthy is the Lamb (Revelation) – Greg Beale, Professor Biblical Studies, Wheaton Theological College, Illinois
As you can see it's a high-powered line up. For more see here

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