
The Forgotten Christ 05

After our jam-packed morning on our second day at High Leigh the afternoon was left free before our fifth session started at 5 pm.
In contrast to the previous young speaker we were in the hands this time of veteran Westminster Theological Seminary professor Dick Gaffin. He has been a professor at WTS for over 40 years. The session was chaired by former student Mark Johnston. The paper was on The last Adam and the life giving spirit
Uniquely this paper focused on just one text 1 Cor 15:45. After very careful exegesis seeking to establish that the contrast is between pre-fall Adam and Christ and that the word Spirit does refer to the Holy Spirit (the view of Vos, Bavinck and Murray but not all writers) Dr G drew three practical conclusions - 1. In his inner core the believer will never be more resurrected than he is now 2. Charismatics and non-charismatics should be helped to see that it is the fruit of the Spirit rather than his gifts that are the important thing 3. Emphasis was laid on the Christian's suffering - a prelude to eschatological resurrection.
Probably because of the nature of the paper discussion in groups was more difficult to sustain but some interesting further contributions were later made by Dr Gaffin.

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