
... And rest ...

This is my 356th post on this site in the last few months. As Mr Bloggy says, the old brain can get blogged up. So time for a rest. That's my plan anyway. We'll see how I do.


  1. Enjoy your break, Gary. Looking forward to your comeback tour!!

  2. Gary, I'm looking for your post on a documentary about the truth about global warming but can't find it. I saved the link but apparently YouTube thinks it's inappropriate so they took it down. Do you have another website for this group from England? I watched most of it and found very good. It's irritating that this is such a political issue.

  3. I did refer to global warming in a post but not to what you mention. It sounds like you are looking for an anti-GW docu aired here (Channel 4) and that prompted the news item I referred to. I did not see the docu. Sorry not to be more help.
