
Archive 5a Black Dog Days

Sir Winston Churchill used to speak of a metaphorical black dog that sometimes followed him. Many have known the same thing. To be downcast, depressed, dogged by a mood of hopelessness or inadequacy, can be debilitating. Depressions vary in intensity and duration. Perhaps as many as one in ten experience melancholia at some point. Christians are not exempt.

What causes it? There are a number of possible factors.
1. Heredity. It may be that some family lines are more disposed to depression than others. It is worth knowing your family background, where you can, and how that may affect you psychologically.
2. Chemical imbalance. Some are sceptical but certain illnesses, child birth, menstruation, etc, can all lead to chemical imbalance, such as lowered brain amines, bringing on depression.
3. There can be a reaction to stresses of various sorts, emotional and physical, leading to depression. Major life changes, such as bereavement, moving home, redundancy, etc, can precipitate depression. Sometimes, confusingly, there can be a delayed reaction.
However, many depressions are unidentifiable. Proverbs 18:14 says 'A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness then observes, but a crushed spirit who can bear?' It is a curious thing that faced by the same set of circumstances at one time a man can surmount them but at another, for no apparent reason, is unable.

A cure is not always possible with depression. Saying ‘snap out of it’ is usually unhelpful. The whole problem is being unable to snap out of it’. A more subtle approach sometimes works as when Luther’s wife suggested to him that God was dead! Obviously where a chemical cause is discovered appropriate medication may deal with the root problem. Similarly, stress induced depression can be overcome by removing the cause or managing it better.

Where the underlying cause of a depression is unclear the approach must be a caring one from those who wish to help the depressed person. Sympathising with those who are depressed for no obvious reason is not easy, especially if we have never experienced depression ourselves. Jay Adams warns against extremes. On one hand, it is not good to encourage anyone to rely too much on our support. They must took to the Lord. On the other, we must never minimise what they are facing. If we underestimate how bad they feel, we risk alienating them and driving to despair. Patience and love are vital.
To be continued

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