
Bio 8g2 Thomas L Johnson

Their arrival was greeted with great joy — not only by Richardson but also the very elderly chief, Ta Ta Nambulee, and other headmen. They were so pleased that, at last, someone had come to teach the people about Christ. The next day was a Sunday so they gathered people into an old unoccupied house. It soon became apparent that the people were weighed down by superstition, idolatry and witchcraft but were eager to learn better ways.
There was a case of someone using casswood juice on a man who thankfully lived. As soon as the chief was told about it he put a stop to the practice. Johnson later wrote ‘When we first came to Bakundu we could hardly sleep at night for the yells of the people in their dance and their beating of the drums. This was kept up day and night. They knew nothing of a Sabbath; hence they continued their drum beating all the week round.’ Richardson spoke to the king about passing a law that drums should not be beaten on the Sabbath. From then on Richardson would blow a trumpet on Friday nights reminding people the next day was Saturday and they ought to lay in provisions for the coming Sunday. Many came to a simple but confident faith in the God of the Bible.
Many other changes came. The people generally went naked but began to ask for clothing to cover themselves. They were willing to give the missionaries meat in exchange for shirts. Johnson describes seeing a man come to church with his shirt under his arm. Before the service began he slipped it on, assuming that was the right procedure. People were also keen to see their children taught to read and write. Unlike other peoples of the area they were not warlike but farmers, raising corn, sweet potatoes, yams and cocoa and herding goats, sheep and cattle. They were in the grip of all sorts of petty fears and superstitions, however, that began to melt away at in the face of the gospel. The three ‘Ju Ju’ houses where secret meetings would take place began to lose their attraction. Richardson was even able to hold a meeting in one dispelling any claimed magical properties. Their childlike simplicity mellowed too as they became used to modern inventions such as matches. What a glorious thing it is when men and women are rescued from the living death of superstition and error.
Despite much sympathy for the Christian faith the old king’s superstition clung to him almost to the last. However, there was reason to hope he came to faith before he died. Near the end he told his son, ‘Etau, whatever these men (the missionaries) tell you, believe it, for I have found them to be true men.’ He died three or four months after their arrival. A dying wish was that the Johnsons bring up his youngest son, Ngatee and one of his daughters and that Richardson should immediately start a school for the boys of the town.
Throughout their brief time in Bakundu the Johnsons knew poor health. At the beginning of March, as Thomas’s own health began to improve a little, Henrietta was struck with a fever that she never recovered from, dying on July 9, 1879. They had been married nearly 16 years. Throughout May and June, as they built their new house, she seemed conscious she would not live long. Throughout this period, as before, she found great comfort in daily reading the Bible. On July 5, near the end, she slept all day. She remarked later on what a waste it had been not having been able to read the Bible. Thomas read John 14 to encourage her. In the morning she commented that though her mind was leaving her at times she had not lost sight of rest in Christ and the freedom found in him. Before she died she repeated her favourite text, I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness. The natives were moved at the loss of ‘Mamma’. Johnson himself wrote ‘I do not think a more devoted wife ever lived. Her heart and soul and service were with me in all my efforts for my blessed Jesus.’ Her death was reported the following January by Spurgeon in the Sword and Trowel.
Meanwhile Johnson was suffering with his liver, with sciatica and muscular rheumatism. With all the work falling on Richardson, Thomson, back in Victoria, decided it would be best to bring Johnson back down to the coast again. He was in such a bad way that he had to be brought all the way by hammock. The journey was not without incident as they met with opposition from hostile natives on at least three occasions. Johnson never forgot the ‘flashing eyes and awful expressions’ on the tattooed faces of men about to leap on him. But his prayers for safety were answered and he safely arrived in Victoria again. Sadly, there was no improvement in his health, however, and he was ordered by Thomson to return to England immediately. When the next steamer arrived Johnson, scarcely able to walk, was put on board. He arrived in Liverpool in January, 1880.

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