
Can't make it up

I heard Lord May say this on Radio 4 last night
'The basic facts that global warming is a reality and we are creating it by this time is about as disputable as the fact that we got here by processes of evolution by natural selection.'

And why am I sceptical?

I thought I'd get a picture to go with this and as I did I was not surprised to come across this text here.

By the way, do you remember last week Drudge had on his home page a picture of two polar bears? Actually, that picture goes back to 2004. I did a little research. I have found something. That picture has been totally misrepresented. It was of two polar bears on what looks like a melting glacier, a little ice floe that has split away, and they are supposedly stranded. That picture was taken back in 2004, and the caption for the original picture talks about how these polar bears, a mother and her cub, are playing around on an ice sculpture created by waves! An ice sculpture created by waves, a phenomenon that occurs when you have real cold water and cold air in the north like at the Arctic Circle. Now, nobody can tell me that waves are part of global warming, because waves have been in the ocean ever since there's been the ocean. So global warming had no impact whatsoever on where those polar bears were! They chose to be there. They swam out there, swam up on the ice floe. They can swim hundreds of miles, on top of the water, the surface, underneath. The whole thing was a fraud, and it is a great little microcosm for the entire global warming escapade. I got a whole global warming stack that we'll get to today again -- and, folks, again we've got record cold weather this week, and we don't have any broadcast news stories questioning global warming! All summer long, or in late fall, we can get really hot temperatures and they'll go banshee over the "fact" that there's global warming. Now, there's this cold front today that's going to be all week, 35 wind chill in Chicago last night, and no news about global warming whatsoever maybe being questionable.


  1. How can you say there is no global warming? The hedgehogs are waking up too early and some of them may DIE! And it's all our fault.

    People know they are guilty of sin but they like to transfer their guilt to something that it's easy to atone for. Governments like to to increase their power and to present themselves as a saviour. So believing in global warming suits everyone.

  2. I'm sure your analysis fits. BTW it's not you putting out this surely false info about snow next week? Dastardly trick.

  3. Never believed in global warming. When I was a kid they were predicting a new ice age. Who knows what they'll predict next. We do know that whatever they predict, they'll get it wrong. The climate is very very complex.

  4. The earth is warming.It has warmed
    as much in the past although alarmists would not have it so.
    The fact that CO2 increases as the Earth warms is scientifically provable' the idea that the earth warms as CO2 increases is not.

  5. Thanks for those helfpful and uanced comments - my objections are mere gut reaction.
