
Professor Stanley Unwin

The exile's recent enquiry about the Small Faces and their concept album set me thinking on Stanley Unwin. I was chuffed to find this site headed
Hi ho and a jolly welcode to all you surfwide'n interwebber lopers. Here beholdy manifold things Stanley Unwinmost - all deep joy and thorkus for great laugh'n tittery. O yes.
Check here for some fun.
Also see here


  1. " Hi ho and a jolly welcode to all you surfwide'n interwebber lopers. Here beholdy manifold things Stanley Unwinmost - all deep joy and thorkus for great laugh'n tittery. O yes."

    Mmmmmm....soundit a bitbole likey the grold Ken Dodders and his ticklode sticky. Didit Stanley EVERMOST useylode the wordflows
    " laugh'n tittery"? I think nokkers!

    "Hi ho and a jolly welcode to all you surfwide'n interwebber lopers. Here beholdy manifold things Stanley Unwinmost - all deep joy and thorkus " is very goodly!!

  2. What wold Jesus have cakeholed in the circumtrances?
