
Things seen 01

It was a Friday evening in Notting Hill. I was having a coffee and gazing through the window at the passers by hurrying home or to wherever they needed to go.
A young woman was stood outside with the cutest little black Labrador puppy on a thin black leather lead. Some people passed, two women and a man pushing a one year old in a buggy. As soon as the child saw the puppy he was enchanted. So they stopped for everyone to pat the dog and chat. It jumped up on the man's legs. I began to think that maybe they all knew each other, it seemed so friendly, but I don't think they did. Another young woman then joined in patting the dog. The whole scene must have gone on for about two minutes before it was time to part.
A friendly encounter between strangers on a busy London street. It's a manifestation of what some of us like to call the common grace of God. Here it focused on the innocence of childhood, the attractiveness of God's creatures and the essential friendliness that still lurks just below the surface in most.

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