

First we have an aerial shot of the Norwegian Island of Utsira from whence come the sea names used on the shipping forecast North and South Utsire. The BBC uses an 'e' for some reason as on the above map. The location of Utsira is shown here. this all arises from a Bloggy Man cartoon, believe it or not.


  1. The old way of spelling Utsira is 'Udsire' When the Lighthouse was build in 1844, Norway's first Weather Station were started in 1876, and the island had great importances in the herring fisheries in the 1880-ties the Island was spelled 'Udsire' and pronounced 'Utsire' by locals

  2. Tusen Takk, Atle. You increase my amazement at the wonder of the internet. Others - do check out Atle's interesting blog (caveat - I'm afraid I'm not a Darwin fan, Atle :-))
