
Daniel and Resurrection

On Easter Sunday I preached on the resurrection as I usually do. Unusually I preached morning and evening from the OT. The evening sermon on Jonah was perhaps less unusual but I think the morning one on Daniel 6 was quite unusual and yet justifiable.
Here is an outline.

Out of the lions' mouths - resurrection in Daniel

1. Learn from Daniel and his entrance into the lions' den
and from Jesus and his burial in the graveA. Learn from the popularity and success of Daniel and of Jesus
B. Learn from the jealousy and opposition against Daniel and against Jesus
C. Learn from the plotting and trickery against Daniel and against Jesus
D. Learn from the watching, accusing and arrest of Daniel and of Jesus
E. Learn from the innocence of Daniel and of Jesus and their judges' ineffectiveness
F. Learn from the stone and seal and the restless sleep in the story of Daniel and of Jesus
Cf Dan 6:17 A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the rings of his nobles, so that Daniel's situation might not be changed.
Restless sleep - Darius and Pilates' wife as reported Matthew 27
(also note refs in Ps 22 to lions)

2. Learn from Daniel and his escape from the jaws of the lions
and Jesus and his escape from the jaws of deathA. Learn from Daniel's escape and Jesus' resurrection
Cf esp Dan 6:19 At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions' den
B. Learn from God's judgement on those who opposed Daniel and Jesus
ie Dan 6:24 and what happened in AD 70
C. Learn from the proclamation that followed Daniel's escape and Jesus' resurrection
Dan 6:25ff and Acts 2 and all the preaching that has followed


  1. Thanks for this Gary. I'd like to see your outline of Jonah as well if possible.

  2. Jonah 1:17-2:10 -
    1. God’s provision
    2. 3 days/nights in the grave
    (Focus Jonah's prayer - insights it gives to Christ between cross & resurrection
    Sufferings before grave described (3,5,6)
    Prayers (2,4,7)
    Rescue (2,6c)
    Praise/thanksgiving (8,9)
    3. God’s command (10)
    4. Preaching that followed
