
Archive 8c Princess Diana

Evil and Madness
Then think of the evil and madness surrounding Diana in life and death.
Think of the divorces that marred her life; the adulteries; the way she was photographed and turned into an ‘icon’; the way her presence could totally transform the presentation of issues.
Think of the bizarre circumstances of her death - the jet-set romance that led up to that night, the paparazzi, the excessive speed, the apparently drunken driver, the furore that has followed.
Think of the massive TV and radio coverage - and scarcely a word of biblical truth and sense.
Think of the supposedly Christian funeral that centred on the one created not on the Creator, its high point not a hymn but a secular song from an avowed homosexual, no sermon from God’s Word but a powerful scathing speech that mentioned God but once. Great is Diana taken out of the pagan stadium and into the church itself.
Think of the banishing of the National Lottery from the TV screen, hiding in a corner as it were until the coast was clear!
Think of supermarkets and sportsmen respecting the Princess but not the Prince of Glory.
Think of the madness and evil of a nation spiritually empty with a religious hierarchy so bankrupt as not to have a word of genuine comfort for the spiritually starving.

Meanwhile from ‘above the sun’ it has been made clear: After death, the judgment. Diana, Dodi Al-Fayed and the chauffeur are all either in heaven or hell. We are all headed to one or other too. In the madness and evil of this present time let’s look to the Lord and pray for mercy.

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