
10 Hindi words we know

1 Bangle - Glass bracelet
2 Chutney - A side dish for food
3 Dungarees - In the singular a type of coarse cloth
4 Jodhpurs - Riding breeches named after their town of origin
5 Juggernaut - UK word for a large lorry, from "Juganath", the name of an Indian god whose image gets carried around the town in a huge cart once a year
6 Punch - five, as in the drink - from the five ingredients used
7 Pukka - ripe, used in the UK to mean "good" or "right"
8 Pundit - learned, as in a "sporting pundit". Used in the UK
9 Shampoo - massage
10 Thug - From a Hindu sect ("Thugees") that would kill people for the goddess, Kali


  1. Gary, don't forget the word which birthed a million Celtic homes - the bungalow!

  2. Couldn't resist checking that out then! I can't understand why bungalow is not in the list. My boys will testify that I am almost incapable of saying the word without breaking into an Indian accent.

  3. hee hee. Thereagain, my Welsh accent often goes Indian. Try it? Oh, you can't can you?!!

  4. There is a good check list on Wikipedia from which it becomes a pretty fair guess that most UK English speakers will be able to include: 'chit' - a ticket (chitthi - a note); 'chutney' (chatni) 'cushy' -easy and comfortable (khushi - soft); 'doolally' - mentally unstable (Deolali - a hospital in Maharashtra); and 'pyjamas' (paijaamaa - a loose leg garment).
