
Weekly Proverb 23

Wisdom is the source of many great works for which she should be praised. 31:31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate
The closing verses of Proverbs speak about the glory of wisdom. As with the neighbouring book of Ecclesiastes, the whole book ends with a reference to the judgement.
Here we are at the city gate, the place where we first heard wisdom’s voice (see 1:21) and the place of judgement. And who is before the court or, perhaps better, whose name is on everyone’s lips? The name of this woman, this woman who represents wisdom. And so it will be on the final day of judgement itself. The name on everyone’s lips then will be the name of Christ, God’s Wisdom, for then it will be realised that every good work ever done has been done through him.
Will your good deeds be on display on that day? It is only possible to have any truly good deeds through the Lord Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God. Therefore, look always and only to him. That is the message of this book.

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