
Disabled musicians

Putting aside the question of how my mind works for a moment, having made a list of blind musicians recently I thought we might have one of deaf ones. Unsurprisingly there are far fewer. The percussionist Evelyn Glennie and perhaps Beethoven are the only real contenders. Or have I missed someone?

As for the one armed there is Paul Wittgenstein (brother of the philosopher) and Rick Allen the drummer with Def Leppard. Any more?
Fascinating videos here and here.


  1. Spent a great evening with Evelyn Glennie once after a concert she had given. A truly remarkable musician who uses the soles of her feet to feel the vibrations of the music. She is also a fantastic lip reader! She even managed to lip read my Estuary English.

  2. Fascinating tidbit. I still can't get my head round the whole idea.
