
Hymn of the week 29

It's quite a while since we had one of these. I went looking for this hymn for Sunday in New Christian Hymns and found it wasn't there. It is in Grace. Written by one Richard Lee, it doesn't seem to be very well known.

Far beyond all comprehension
Is Jehovah's covenant love;
Who can fathom its dimension
Or its unknown limits prove?

Ere the earth upon its basis
By creating power was built,
His designs were wise and gracious
For removing human guilt.

He displayed His grand intention
On the mount at Calvary,
When He died for our redemption,
Lifted high upon the tree.

O, how sweet to view the flowing
Of His soul-redeeming blood!
With divine assurance knowing
That it made my peace with God.

Freely Thou wilt bring to heaven
All Thy chosen, ransomed race,
Who to Thee, their Head, were given
In the covenant of grace.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that brings back memories of when we used to sing it at AP. It goes to the tune Stenka Resin (speling ?) which I think roughly translates as "a stench of resin" and is better known as the melody of 'The Carnival is over" sung by the Seekers.
