
Heavenly Worldly Links

Here are some links you might like.
Two are more worldly

1. Animal babies. I guess this one is designed for kids but it's interesting anyway. I discovered it when I wanted to know the correct name for baby rabbits. There's a nostalgia element here as this is the sort of thing they taught you when I was a boy.

2. Historical coincidences. I found this one when I had that coincidence with hearing Focus's Sylvia opposite a hairdresser's called Sylvia. Example

Welsh actor Anthony Hopkins was delighted to hear that he had landed a leading role in a film based on the book The Girl From Petrovka by George Feifer. A few days after signing the contract, Hopkins travelled to London to buy a copy of the book. He tried several bookshops, but there wasn't one to be had. Waiting at Leicester Square underground for his train home, he noticed a book apparently discarded on a bench. Incredibly, it was The Girl From Petrovka. That in itself would have been coincidence enough but in fact it was merely the beginning of an extraordinary chain of events. Two years later, in the middle of filming in Vienna, Hopkins was visited by George Feifer, the author. Feifer mentioned that he did not have a copy of his own book. He had lent the last one - containing his own annotations - to a friend who had lost it somewhere in London. With mounting astonishment, Hopkins handed Feifer the book he had found. 'Is this the one?' he asked, 'with the notes scribbled in the margins?' It was the same book.

Two are more heavenly

1. Grace Publications. One of many hats I wear is that of a trustee of Grace Publications. Andrew Shrimpton has recently set up a website for us and has kindly reminded me that I have not mentioned it yet. So here it is. Do have a look. There are excellent books there, especially the condensed classics series and Nick Needham's church history.

2. Don Carson. I also recently came across this link to a wealth of audio material by Dr Carson.

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