
Members Meeting 09

We had our annual church members meeting the other night. It was quite a small turn out and we chose a night when the Koreans were also meeting, which didn't help. However, there is always something to encourage us at these meetings. Small as we are, we are able to do something.
Current membership is 27 (soon to be 29). Two new ones joined (one by baptism, one by marriage) and two moved on. We were also encouraged to hear of two boys who grew up in the church being baptised this last year. We continue to mentor LTS students. As ever we continue to have a large and wide ranging number of visitors. There are also about 15 adults and as many as 20 children regularly in the congregation. One of these was tragically burnt out of his home nearby in the year losing everything. One of our member also had her door kicked down by the police in error. A former member was badly injured in a car crash in Nigeria. We pray for those coping with such tests. During the year Rhodri and Sibyl were engaged, of course. There were several babies – four to former members and one very recently to one of our deacons.
Of course last October marked my 25th anniversary as pastor, which was marked by a special weekend of thanksgiving. We've continued to meet Sunday and on Wednesday nights. The preaching has been from Deuteronomy, Ezekiel, Mark, Hebrews and elsewhere. There was a brief series on how to die well. Various visiting preachers have come when I've been preaching elsewhere. After church each Sunday morning there is a cuppa and we also have fellowship lunches and teas. At Christmas we always have a get together too.
Children’s work has continued on Fridays and Sundays. We recently had a Holiday Bible Club looking at Moses. We have also had several meetings for those 15 an older. There have also been one or two football matches.
We've regularly distributed tracts and in December distributed around 500 copies of the special Evangelical Times. I have also held meetings at old people's homes and we have had one or two international evenings. My book on Regeneration was also published and the one on Proverbs reprinted.
We regularly have clean-up mornings to try and keep the place tidy and in good repair. New gas fires were purchased for the parlour and kitchen and some work was completed on the caretaker’s flat and the manse. A major professional survey of our buildings has recently been completed and there will be more to do in the coming year.
For some time now we have given 17 ½% of our general fund to various outside causes. Altogether we must have given something like 10,000 pounds to overseas mission just this year. We seek also to support the LIP, Evangelical Library (I chair both committees), LTS, etc. There is also the regular preaching at Trafalgar Square. Some have been involved in outreach in Hyde Park and on Beach Missions and at various camps and conferences. So we press on.

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