
Good news from Iran

I haven't really followed this story but I read here

The news that we have been waiting for for so long has now come. What an answer to prayer!

Maryam and Marzieh have been released from prison in Tehran. The conditions of release are not yet fully known but I expect we will hear more soon. These two young women refused to deny God, despite this meaning they could have faced a death sentence. Their story has impacted Christians across the globe and brought a new level of boldness and determination as we share the gospel.

This is just the beginning of another episode. Both Maryam and Marzieh have suffered physically and have incurred enormous legal costs. I expect the cost of defending themselves will have been high, and as both Maryam and Marzieh have suffered physically they will probably need expensive expert medical help over the coming months. I expect various organisations will launch appeals soon to allow Christians to give.

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