
Persecuted Christians

These are examples of recent prayer points regarding persecuted Christians in various places.

In the wake of coordinated bombings at seven Iraqi churches over a three-day period in July, a senior Iraqi church leader has spoken of a feeling of “powerlessness and despair” amongst Christians and has warned of the possibility of a “new exodus of Christians from Iraq”. He said that “this feeling of fear, fuelled by deaths, injuries and destruction is normal”, but he urged Christians not to be afraid, not to flee, and to keep coming to church Sunday by Sunday.

The tiny Christian community in the Gaza Strip has been suffering a spate of attacks. In an incident on 31 July, masked men broke into the Gaza City home of a Christian couple, tied their hands behind their backs, covered their heads and faces and beat them. The intruders, who told the couple they were searching for communications equipment, stole money, jewellery and their car.

Harassment and violence towards Christians continue in many parts of India. In August in Hubli, in the state of Karnataka, Hindu extremists attacked a church, its members and their property, setting fire to three auto-rickshaws that belonged to Christians. In a village near Calcutta, two young believers were attacked by a group of eight Hindu extremists, who also collected signatures from local villagers and filed a complaint against the Christians at the local police station. Many more instances of persecution against Christians go unreported.

In the village of Korian, in District Faisalabad, Pakistan, some 50 Christian homes were burned by a Muslim mob on 30 July. A Christian wedding was being celebrated in the village and rumours spread that, during the wedding ceremony, a Qur’an had been burned. Incited by broadcasts from local mosques, Muslims torched Christian homes, burned Christian-owned livestock and then lay down in front of the fire engines to prevent them reaching the blazing houses. It appears that a flammable chemical, normally available only to the military, was used. The church building was vandalised and Bibles desecrated. Two days after the attack, an estimated 800-strong Muslim mob targeted Christians in the nearby town of Gojra. Seven people, all from one family, died – one was shot and the other six were burnt to death. Homes were looted and at least 50 houses were burned down as the mob threw petrol bombs and fired indiscriminately. There are indications that the attacks on Korian and Gojra were not spontaneous but pre-planned.

Daily prayer points here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gary it is so sad that we read and see how in today soicety and countrys the suffering that the Persecuted churches have just to hear the word of God.I just recieved today the Grace Baptist Mission Annual Report and read how you were teaching in the GMA on the wisdom and a one day Seminar on John Calvin in the philipines.Well let us continue to pray for our suffering churches who don't have the freedom of speech like we do on preaching the true faith of our lord Jesus christ. Great Artcle and keep up the Good work Good faithful Servant.
