
Grace Assembly 2010 05

Our second morning session was led by Andrew Keen, a solicitor and a member of the Grace Baptist Church in Whittlesey. His subject was whether Christians should ever disobey the law. As he said, quoting his mother, what is the issue? However, it can become complex. We are in such a situation now. Beginning with Jesus and rendering taxes to Caesar he went on to say certain helpful things. He prefaced what he had to say with three warnings
1. Remember the question - whether we should obey bad laws? While a law stands it should be obeyed where possible.
2. These are the views of a British man born in the sixties applying the Bible to today
3. This is a lawyer

We then had these helpful points

Presumption - we should obey the law
1. It is the overwhelming teaching of Scripture
2. Law is good. There is something worse than bad laws - no law
3. Obedience is part of our worship - what ever sacrifice is involved
4. God will sometimes use bad laws to punish sinners

Ten key things to do when confronted by a difficult law
1. Negotiate - like Daniel in Chapter 1 of his prophecy
2. Flee - sometimes this is an option. Change your job, etc
3. Be consistent
4. Show respect eg not evangelising on the property of others
5. Consider the cost - will this mean a fine of losing my children?
6. Consider your motive
7. Consider origins - the way the law has been arrived at
8. Be certain about what the law actually says
9. Consider need
10. We should be willing to find a way round breaking the law if we can. Eg street preacher approached and asked opinion on homosexuality may say he does not wish to say as he might be arrested!

Five examples of disobedience in Scripture that lead to blessing
1. Shiphrah and Puah the Hebrew midwives
We should refuse to take innocent life
2. The three friends in Daniel
We should refuse to worship a false god
3. Daniel
We should refuse to disobey God's law in private Here we had some helpful distinctions a law saying home schoolers should teach evolution should be obeyed but not teaching evolution as true. We should ask how important is it - eg amplification of music, not meeting at night. There is a difference between state laws about administrators and those regaridng pastors, between sacking a pastor for changing the hymn book and for immorality. He spoke of a new law due to come in that will prevent those on the sex offenders register teaching in Sunday School. He suggested that if a man guilty of an offence 40 years back is now teaching in Sunday School then the ban should be complied with though not if they try and ban him from preaching or offering hospitality.
4. The Apostles in Acts
We were urged to note that these were Jews, what happened was taking place in the Temple, there is a lack of a precedent, the content of the preaching, the context of good works, the complete ban involved. On the basis of this he gave an example of a carnival in Cardiff where a man comes from London on his own and attacks homosexuality and a local church making a stand. He suggested there was a big difference between the two examples.
5. Rahab
This was left to last because it is different to others and quite exceptional. The point is that we must never betray God. There was no chance of fleeing of compromising. It does not really apply to any situation we are facing today.
Stacked with illustrations, this was an excellent paper, one that is well worth hearing. It will be on the Grace Assembly website here in due time.

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