
Grace Assembly 2010 07

Our evening session was again taken by Gerard Hemmings. He took us to the passage following the one we looked at last night - 2 Kings 6:24-7:20 (the siege of Jerusalem in the time of Elisha). Again his method was to work through the narrative and then make some applications but beginning with the questions of whether we should ever take things into our own hands instead of waiting. He made the point that the Lord is there throughout but only reveals something of his army to the Arameans near the end - thus linking it with the previous section. God as he does so often uses unclean lepers to bring the good news. The application there is obvious.
The promise of divine deliverance - does God keep his Word? Can we wait for the Lord? Three people here take things into their own hands - the mother, the king, the officer - if only they'd waited. The promise is fulfilled but they are shut out of the blessing because they would not wait. Just at the last minute the answer comes. He will always do what he says. Under siege we are often tempted to take things into our own hands but we must rather remember the promises of God's Word and listen to it.
Again this was encouraging and helpful.
Following this session we had a question time to close the day.

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