
Davis on Psalms 1-12

Just before I came away to Aber I noticed that Dale Ralph Davis had a new little book out - The way of the righteous in the muck of life. What it is is a series of sermons on the first 12 Psalms. Each Psalm is written out in Davis's own translation and followed by a brief sermon characterised by the usual Davis formula of careful scholarship, hippish lingo and great illustration. I enjoyed the first two or three, enjoying the illustrations especially. Then it began to pall a little and I thought there were too many. I then got back on a more even keel accepting that Davis has great strengths but you wouldn't want everyone to follow the same formula. Each preacher is to give us God's word through his own personality.
Here is a great little book then, excellent for devotional reading, sermon prep or just to read through. We are greatly indebted to Dr Davis for this and to the publishers for arranging it. Another few volumes could well be sustained. I was able to get my copy signed by the man himself, which no doubt adds to its value. By the way, I did find myself trying to scratch the speck of mud off the front at one point so full marks to the cover designer for his efforts too.


  1. Jonathan Dunbar, Christian FocusWednesday, August 18, 2010

    The mud effect was taken from a picture of the mud pools in Rotarua, New Zealand.
