

For the second part of the morning Dr Grant took us through the subject of being peacemakers in an age of conflict. This arises out of his work as an “intentional interim pastor” in various churches where there was conflict in the last 10 years (he is now 69). He gave us verses from Ephesians 4, Romans 12:18, 14:19, Matt 5:9 to begin.  He then made these points
1. Consequences when conflict is not handled well
A. It hurts people.
B. It hinders the spread of the gospel. Great illustration here of taking his brother to a Billy Graham meeting only to witness a stand off between a placard toting man and a team of stewards.
C. It helps our enemy Satan. Ephesians 4:26, 27
D. It hurts our God. Ephesians 4:30
2. Peacemaking
A. When you are the cause of the conflict (Matt 5)
He made a series of points including the eight As of apology (based on Ken Sande)
Address everyone involved
Avoid “if” “but” “maybe”
Admit specifically
Accept the consequences
Alter your behaviour
Ask for forgiveness
Allow time
He quoted Alan Eagleson the man in Canada who took the ice hockey players pension money. It gets plenty wrong with it,“I sincerely apologise for any harm that might have been caused and I hope I will have the opportunity in the future make a positive contribution.”
B. If someone has done something to you (Matt 18)
We mustn't be too wooden in our application. There must be the personal meeting first - with preparation, at the right time and in the right place, etc. Then others are to be brought in. Best done by mutual agreement. Finally, "tell it to the church". This does not necessarily mean tell it to the congregation. There is undoubtedly more than one application.  etc.
This was another helpful session. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just wanna ask you a the Arirang song a prophetic song about about it a while ago in wikipedia but someone has deleted that already.

    It seems to perfectly fit the bill...the writer says sth like the song has so many words that described Jesus on his way to the Cross. The song goes like this:

    Verse 1: "Emmanuel (or Beloved), Emmanuel, Emmanuel"

    Verse 2: "Emmanuel is crossing over the hill(Golgotha),"

    Verse 3: "The Beloved died for me"

    Verse 4: "His feet is pierced by nails on the cross(sibrido means cross)"

    He or she did explain in detail..mine is just what i can recall partially.
