
Carey Conference 2011 08

The final session was given by Bruce Ware on the theological and practical implications from Jesus and the Spirit. Here is his outline

1. The kenosis in light of Jesus and the Spirit Philippians 2:5-8
A. Key terms
morphe (essential nature)
isos (equality)
ekenosin (emptied himself, literally "poured himself out" - not pured something out)
B. Explanation of kenosis - emptying by adding, pouring out by taking on
Ill: taking a new car out and covering it with mud, a king living as a beggar

2. Jesus' impeccablity, temptations and sinlessness
A. Jesus was sinless 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:21-23
B. Jesus was tempted Luke 4:1-13, Hebrews 4:15
C. Jesus was impeccable Luke 1:35, Hebrews 1:10-12, 13:8
D. Explaining the reality of Jesus' temptations in light of his impeccability. Three considerations
1. He was really tempted in all things as we are (Hebrews 4:15) This cannot be jeapordised.
2. Because he never succumbed to temptation, he always experienced its full force
3. Distinction: why Christ could not sin and why Christ did not sin
Ill swimmer and boat - completes swim by swimming but could not drown because boat there. Application resources he had, we have.

3. Jesus' growth and maturity in faith
Explains many things including Hebrews 5:8, 9; why he had to wait until his time to die

4. Relation of the divine and human natures in how Jesus lived his life
A. Clear expressions of the deity of Christ in his life and ministry
Forgiveness of sin (Mark 2, etc), control over nature (Matthew 14:22ff); claims to deity (John 8:58, 10:30); eternal relationship with the Father (John 17:5, 24)
B. Question of miracles - by his divine nature or in his humanity in the power of the Spirit
Must recall two key texts
Matthew 12:28
Acts 10:38
The norm is by the power of the Spirit
NB John's use of the word sign for miracles. John 10:37, 38
Jesus' life, ministry, miracles, obedience, resisting temptation and accomplishing the mission the Father sent him to do - all of this was done in the power of the Spirit. He is the epitome of the new covenant person living in the power of the Spirit. And as he has now given us his Spirit we are called to live lives modelled after him. Indeed, we are called to follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21) and live new covenant lives that bring glory, honour and to Christ, by the power of the Spirit. 

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