
Past Diary Jan 06 1974

So the first Sabbath in 1974. I got up at 9.30 and went to bed at 10 (or arose and retired at those times as I tended to do in those days!). I packed in plenty in between. Derek Garwood, our pastor, preached in the morning on Revelation 21:1-7, led a Bible study in the afternoon on John 7 then preached on Joshua 4:14 in the evening. I was there for it all and the after church young people's group where we listened to part 2 of a series of tapes on 19th century missionary C T Studd. Things seeme to have degenerated a bit after that, the young people being a bit silly it seems (I complain of worldliness!). In between all this I managed to read Matthew 16:6-12 twice; an article on prayer from The War Cry (I think my dad had brought it back to me from their night out where some SA chap had sold it to them); the church magazine (which mentioned some books I thought I should buy but the books are not itemised); a bit more of the Bunyan biography.

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