
Past Diary Jan 08 1974

Began the day at 6.30 reading Matthew 16:21-23 (which I returned to at night). back from the paper round by 8 and the off into a "typical sinful schoolday". No details but I was disappointed with myself. Tuesday nights were prayer meeting nights and Mr Garwood was going through 2 Corinthians. He was in Chapter 10 that night. I wrote that "It seems as this year wears on I am not gaining the belssings from the Holy Scriptures I gained before." My solution was to "earnestly and steadfastly pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit in this matter" which is fine. It might have helped if I had realised that a full day at school brings its own pressures.


  1. Gary, you seem to have been a very intense young man! I was never so serious. Which might be a good thing or a bad thing or both.

  2. Intense is the word. I still am a little intense. However, the diary only gives a partial picture. I'm sure I didn't give so intense an impression. You had the advantage of Christian parents. Working it all out on my own I got a bit manic.
