
Past Diary Jan 11 1974

In those far off days I used to use a little old alarm clock with a luminous dot for each number. The face would move and on the night of the 10th/11th it being a stormy night I woke at 12.30 am and glancing at the clock got the impression it was 6 O'Clock. I read Matthew 17:14-21 and prayed and had a real shock when I got downstairs and saw the time. I went back to bed and had a fitful sleep until 6 when I headed off to do the paper round through hail, rain, thunder adn lightning. I didn't get back until 8.15 despite the early start but managed to get to school in good time. There is a reference to missing homework next. I was never very good at getting homework done for some reason. I also managed to drop someone's house key into a pool of mud for some reason which led to an anxious time. I think it was found eventually. Friday nights was YPF (Young People's Fellowhip) in those days. We apparently had a blast against evolution from the pastor and then I walked home the girl I had been admiring from afar until then. Her name was Irene and she had perfect skin. It all came to nothing eventually, of course, but I was quite excited.

1 comment:

  1. "I also managed to drop someone's house key into a pool of mud for some reason which led to an anxious time." That made me chuckle.
