
SBM1 Lost books

I picked up a copy of Summon's Bible Miscellany at a bookshop the other day. It's full of interesting things that we might share. This is a list of books mentioned in the Bible (in the Old Testament), books that as far as we know no longer exist. Summon gets his from a Lion book by Miller and Huber mine is from Wikipedia.

1. The Book of Jasher (whose title fully translated means the Book of the Upright or the Book of the Just) is
mentioned in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18. From the context in the Book of Samuel it is implied that it was a collection of poetry. Several books have claimed to be this lost text, but are widely discounted as pseudepigrapha.
2. The Book of the Wars of the Lord. Referenced at Numbers 21:14.
3. A "Book of Songs" is referenced at 1 Kings 8:12-13 (Septuagint).
4. The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel (lost/missing) and Chronicles of the Kings of Judah ("2 Chronicles" in your Old Testament or "Divrei Hayamim II" in the Hebrew Tanakh) are mentioned in the Books of Kings (1 Kings 14:19, 14:29). They are said to tell of events during the reigns of Kings Jeroboam of Israel and Rehoboam of Judah, respectively. The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel is again mentioned in 1 Kings 16:20 regarding King Zimri, and many other times throughout 1 and 2 Kings.
5. "The Book of Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo the Seer" (also called Story of the Prophet Iddo or The Annuals of the Prophet Iddo) is mentioned in the book of 2nd Chronicles. (II Chr 9:29, 12:15, 13:22). Iddo was a seer who lived during the reigns of Solomon, Rehoboam, and Abijah. His deeds were recorded in this book, which has been completely lost to history, save for its title. However, it is interesting to note that Zechariah was the son of Iddo (Ezra 5:1, Zechariah 1:1)
6. The Manner of the Kingdom. Referenced at 1Samuel 10:25.
7. The Acts of Solomon. Referenced at 1Kings 11:41.
8. The Annals of King David. Referenced at 1Chronicles 27:24.
9. The Book of Samuel the Seer Also called Samuel the Seer or The Acts of Samuel the Seer, which could be the same as 1 & 2 Samuel .Referenced at 1Chronicles 29:29.
10. The Book of Nathan the Prophet Also called Nathan the Prophet or The Acts of Nathan the Prophet or History of Nathan the Prophet. Referenced at 1Chronicles 29:29, and also 2Chronicles 9:29.
11. The Book of Gad the Seer. Referenced at 1Chronicles 29:29.
12. The Prophecy of Ahijah, might be a reference to 1 Kings 14:2-18. Referenced at 2Chronicles 9:29.
13. The Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel. Referenced in 2Chronicles 16:11, 2Chronicles 27:7 and 2Chronicles 32:32. Might be the same as 1 & 2 Kings.
14. The Book of Jehu. Could be a reference to 1 Kings 16:1-7. Referenced at 2Chronicles 20:34.
15. The Story of the Book of Kings. Referenced at 2Chronicles 24:27.
16. The Acts of Uzziah Also called The Book by the prophet Isaiah. Perhaps the same as the Book of Isaiah. Referenced at 2Chronicles 26:22.
17. The Vision of Isaiah. Referenced at 2Chronicles 32:32.
18. The Acts of the Kings of Israel Also called The Acts and Prayers of Manasseh.May be identical to The Book of the Kings of Israel, above. Referenced at 2Chronicles 33:18.
19. The Sayings of the Seers. Referenced at 2Chronicles 33:19.
20. The Laments for Josiah Also called Lamentations. This event is recorded in the existing Book of Lamentations. Referenced at 2Chronicles 35:25.
21. The Chronicles of King Ahasuerus. Perhaps the same as 1 & 2 Chronicles. Referenced at Esther 2:23, Esther 6:1, Esther 10:2, and Nehemiah 12:23.

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