
Barry King

It was my privilege last week both to hear Barry King and to speak for him at his Grace Baptist Partnership gathering. I heard him speak on Monday at the Westminster Fellowship on his favourite subject of church planting. I must have heard Barry on this more than once but he is always fresh and had again stimulating and challenging things to say on the subject. He spoke first on biblical principles and then on the practical outworking.
Then on the Saturday I joined the 15 to 20 who gather one Saturday a month at Wood Green for a training day. Nearly every face was new to me so it was good to get a taste of what goes on. I came via Kings Cross and so was shambolically late. I also failed to stay for the induction of Ryan King as I wanted to be back home for good reason though on reflection I should have stayed. There we are I did enjoy the opportunity to speak on Long pastorates - pitfalls and positives and enjoyed the interaction with the men. I see Barry's prayer letters with their long lists of place names and wonder how he can remember them all but, of course, once you put a face, indeed a real person, with each name it becomes much easier. Even he must forget where he is sometimes I'm sure. As many of you know he has just moved from Wood Green to Edlesborough near Eaton Bray. He is now in his 31st year of ministry and so is my senior by one year.

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