
Llewyn Davis

My oldest so Rhodri is around at the moment and last Saturday he asked me to come to the Odeon Cinema in Holloway Road to see Inside Llewyn Davis, which two of my other sons have seen and enjoyed. I'd seen it advertised and though it might be worth seeing. Somehow I'd not taken in that it was Coen brothers film. The last time I saw a Coen brothers film (Brother where art thou) I stumbled into it and was pleasantly surprised. The same thing has happened again. I don't like musicals or opera but the idea of a film with music in it really does appeal. This film has no real plot to speak of but provides a snapshot of that very interesting period in the early sixties when folk music was the next big thing in Greenwich Village, New York. The lead character is loosely based on one David Van Ronk (if there had been a real Welsh man I'd have ut him in my Welsh and proud series!). The character is a moral disaster area but plays and sings just fine, though not so well that he will be famous, it seems, unlike the famous person who appears at the end of the film. A film like this has to be described as whimsical and of appeal only to certain people (mostly blokes?). There is a lot of swearing.

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