
Dylan Thomas

As hinted at I went today to the Dylan Thomas exhibition in the National Library of Wales with my three oldest sons. I did study Anglo-Welsh literature as part of my degree here in Aber many years ago but I don't recall looking at Dylan Thomas at all hardly. The exhibition was fairly random and quite populist but a nice gentle reminder of one of Wales's most famous sons. My son Dylan featured with other Dylans in a photo montage of Thomas.
I found elsewhere a list of notable works by him
1934: Eighteen Poems (poems, inc: The force that through the green fuse)
1936: Twenty-five Poems (poems inc: And death shall have no dominion)
1939: The Map of Love (poems and stories)
1940: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog (stories)
1946: Deaths and Entrances (poems, inc: Fern Hill)
1951: In Country Sleep (poems inc: Do not go gentle into that good night)
1952: Collected Poems
1953: The Doctor and the Devils (screenplay)
1954: Under Milk Wood (radio play, published posthumously)
1955: Adventures in the Skin Trade (stories, published posthumously)
1957: Letters to Vernon Watkins

'A Child's Christmas in Wales' also deserves a mention.

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