
Banner of Truth 2015 09

The main session tonight was Mike Reeves on faith and suffering in the life of Spurgeon. Yet another excellent session. Mike quoted this letter to fellow minister William Cuff of Shoreditch Tabernacle.
DEAR FRIEND,—I beseech our Lord to minister comfort both to you and your sorrowing wife. It must be a very severe stroke to you, and it is a sign that our Father loves you very much and thinks a great deal of you. I had a watch once which I allowed to lie at ease and never worried it with cleaning for I thought it worthless; but one which keeps time to a second gets wound up every night with a key which touches its inmost springs, and sometimes it gets taken to pieces—for it is worth it.
You will have the presence of the Comforter in this trial. You are dear to me for your work's sake and also for yourself.
May all grace abound towards you by Christ Jesus.
Your busy friend, C. H. SPURGEON

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