
Lord's Day August 16 2015

Once again I was not preaching and once again I was listening to my father-in-law, Geoff Thomas. Back in Alfred Place there were still a few people still in Aber after the conference. It was nice to meet Derek Sewell and Jeremy Bailey and others. In the evening I met a man from Cwmbran who always stays on for the Welsh conference and had a good chat with a man from Newport who had come north to see the meteor shower and had been "abducted by Christians" and taken to conference meetings. He was thinking seriously about the gospel.
As for the preaching Geoff is in the midst of a series in the morning from Acts 17. He spoke of the need to seek God - with our minds, our souls, our bodies and in the Word of God. In the evening we had a golden oldie - Galatians 2:20 and what is a Christian. Five answers were given - a human being, who has an exalted view of God, who applies theology to his daily life, who has assurance that God has saved him and who is "practically omnipotent" (!).

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