
Lord's Day October 9 2016 Plus

Today I preached in Queenstown Baptist, South Africa, where Michael Watson is the minister. The church is a modern building and the congregation was around sixty, a good mix age and ethnicity wise. The worship group (synthesised piano, acoustic guitar and drum kit with two voices) was louder than what I had experienced the previous week but not over the top (the drummer could keep time too). We sang five or six numbers projected on to the screen. I knew none of them but the words were quite acceptable. Apart form one or two extras the only other element was my preaching. I chose to preach on 1 John 3:1-3 and it seemed to go well. It was nice to meet some of the congregation over coffee afterwards.
I then headed out into the country with my host here to Lady Frere and the Zionist church there, where a special service was in full swing. The Zionists like to dress up and to use the big African drum and to do a sort of dance. Despite that many of them appreciate the truth and when we finally got through all the rigmarole (all in Xhosa) we had a testimony from my friend Sihle Xulu and a sermon from Nico Van Zyl that was excellent and much appreciated. After that my host and I prayed over the sick and needy (not something I have ever done before).
The Sunday before I had been in Mooi River Baptist Church where Clinton Stone is the pastor. They again had a praise band first (two acoustic guitars and an electric piano). Someone led, including a prayer, and I preached. They also chose a good hymn to finish with. I preached on Isaiah 57:5 and that went okay too.

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