
Lord's Day December 17 2016

We were in full Christmas swing yesterday. In the morning I preached from Philippians 2 and in the evening on Luke 2:14. The evening meeting was a carol service so we had done a little bit with lighting and had mince pies, a spiced drink, etc, to follow. We had distributed a lot of invites and it was gratifying to see that some at least had joined us. I felt that the evening sermon was rather lack lustre. There were several reasons for that. It is always discouraging, however. The strange thing is that I had felt a little despondent before the morning one and it had come right. Perhaps I had assumed that we would be okay in the evening too and that was unwise. We are in the Lord's hands and there were plenty of encouragements. Fur Iranians came in the morning, two we know and two new ones. One was very keen, returning in the evening, asking for an English Bible and eager to be there next Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure many of us share similar feelings. Great encouragement about Iranians!
