
Lord's Day November 11 2018

We began, of course, with the two minutes silence. On this occasion I pointed out the two plaques in the church in connection with the Great War 1914-1919 (sic) - one in memory of those who served an one put up by a group of Belgians from Antwerp who found refuge in the church during the war. Sadly, our memorial for those who served in the Second World War never got put up properly.
I preached on the next part of Acts and the conversion of Lydia. We were a good number with various visitors. A good number stayed for a lovely lunch after the meeting. There seemed to eb a lot of children around. I spoke to them about what the church is.
We were about twelve in th evening when I preached on Matthew 22 and the question about paying taxes to Caesar. About twelve of us were there. We've now reached the eighth century in our little series on Church history.

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