
10 more Portmanteau words

  1. Internet (international/network) A global system of interconnected computer networks. 
  2. Malware (malicious/software): Computer programs that are designed to damage or disable computer systems
  3. Meld (melt/weld): Blend/combine
  4. Modem (modulation/demodulation): An electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to or from a computer via telephone or other communication lines
  5. Motel (motor/hotel): Overnight accommodation designed for motorists
  6. Motorcade (motor/cavalcade): A procession of motor vehicles
  7. Oxbridge (Oxford/Cambridge): An inclusive term that is used to describe both Oxford and Cambridge universities
  8. Smog (smoke + fog): A form of air pollution that has the qualities of both smoke and fog
  9. Spork (spoon/fork): A hybrid form of cutlery
  10. Workaholic (work/alcoholic): An individual who works excessive hours. Cf chocoholic (chocolate + alcoholic): Someone who eats excessive amounts of chocolate

1 comment:

  1. A correspondent suggests that "Internet" may actually be an abbreviation for "internetworking" ie connecting one or more computer networks together. So "inter" would be the prefix for "between" rather than a shortening of "international".
    He refers us to the original RFC which defined the basic internet protocol:
    Originally a common noun and applicable to separate networks using the same approach, it later became the proper noun we are used to using for today's global system.
    Looks like the Lastwordon it to me.
