
Lord's Day July 28 2019

Really good Lord's Day. I am tempted to wonder if things are improving. Of course, there were plenty of people missing for reasons good and bad and we were rather a small number at the start of the morning service but lots of encouragements too. Three women were there who have begun to attend more recently and it was good to talk to them and get to know them a bit better. It was good to have a local family present who almost never come to us. I also had a good chat with someone who attends but is unconverted but edging closer, I hope. We have at least three apparently unsaved people who regularly attend with family members. I preached from 2 Peter 1:21 in the morning. It is good to be covering such ground, as basic as it is. In the evening we carried on in Matthew 26, Gethsemane this time, You are bound to feel you failed with such a subject but I tried hard. One factor in the evening was the presence of a whole family, including three younger children and a Venezualan lady from Galicia in Spain who is a believer but has no English (she is the first person I have met who used her phone to translate - speaking into it in Spanish and letting it speak in English).

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