
Lord's Day September 22 2019

We had interesting sermons yesterday as we carried on in Acts and Matthew. In the morning I found myself quoting the European Convention on Human Rights and in the evening we were talking about dreams. These are not things I've ever found myself doing in my long ministry before. The ECHR reference arose as I wanted to remind my listeners that just as Paul had some protections and made use of them as a Roman citizen s we are in a  similar situation. Dreams came up as I was looking at Matthew 27:19. I made liberal use of B B Warfield's article on the subject which I have long been aware of. Do seek it out. Our friend Mohammad was back plus two other Iranians, a teenager and her mother, in the morning. There was also a young woman from Ecuador. I do not recall someone from Ecuador attending before. Our Colombian friend was missing, as were some others. Whole Dutch family with us in the evening. Good day though and great old fashioned hymns.

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