
A Christmas quiz

Around this time of year I like to prepare a god Christmas quiz. Hope you enjoy this. (Also available on my Christmas blog here).
1. Charlie Chaplin was famous for acting in and directing comedies. He died on December 25 in which year?
A. 1937 B. 1957 C. 1967 D. 1997

2. On December 25 1989 the Romanian Communist dictator was killed by firing squad. What was his name?
A. Enver Hoxha B. Erich Honecker C. Nicolae Ceaucescu D.Georghe Zamfir

3. On December 25 William the Conqueror was crowned but where did it take place?
A. Arundel Cathedral B. Westminster Abbey C. Winchester Cathedral D. Buckingham Palace

4. Which famous mathematician was born on December 25 1642?
A. Sir Isaac Newton B. Sir Edmund Halley C. Gottfried Leibniz D. Pierre de Fermat

5. In 1946 an actor and comedian died on December 25. Give his name.
A. Groucho Marx B. W C Fields C. Buster Keaton D. George Burns

6. Name the actor or actress famous for their role in the film Casablanca who was born December 25, 1899.
A. Humphrey Bogart B. Ingrid Bergmann C. Dirk Bogarde D. Greta Garbo

7. The Scottish singer Annie Lennox who sang with Eurythmics was born December 25 but in which year?
A. 1954 B. 1964 C. 1974 D. 1984

8. On December 25 2016 Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou died at home. What was he famous for?
A. Cooking B. Singing C. In politics D. As a driving instructor

9. On December 25 800 AD Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor but by whom?
A. By himself B. By the Pope C. By the Bishop of Paris D. By a court jester

10. On December 25 1926 Crown Prince Hirohito assumed the throne on the death of his father Emperor Yoshihito. But which throne?
A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Korean D. Belgian

11. On December 25 1995 the man who sang Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow died. By what name was he known?
A. Dean Martin B. Frank Sinatra C. Perry Como D. Nat King Cole

12. On December 25 1991 the Russian President formally resigned on TV. What was his name?
A. Yuri Andropov B. Mikhail Gorbachev C. Boris Yeltsin D. Joseph Stalin

Answers: 1b 2c 3b 4a 5b 6a 7a 8b 9b 10b 11a 12b

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