
Two Days Off Week 38 2022

As we have I think mentioned, it is good to take two days off sometimes if you can in the ministry. That opportunity came last week as last Monday was the bank holiday. Like many others I spent much of the day watching the funeral. A lot of it was not to my liking but you hope some gospel broke through. The thing about it that struck me most was how just when you think this isn't a "Christian country" any more, it turns out it is - sort of. In the evening we watched some less demanding TV. The next day I read a chunk of Moby Dick which I'm not funding easy to get through, mostly because it's long rather than uninteresting. I also watched Catch me if you can a 2002 feature film I'd never seen for some reason. (I have a vague plan to record and watch films I happen never to have seen. I've watched recently High Noon, Twelve angry men and Vertigo).

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