
Affinity Meeting 2022

A little while ago I recevied a communication from Affinity, an umbrella organisation that we belong to as a  church. The email informed me that now they are a cio they were obliged to hold an annual meeting and I was invited to attend either in person or online. It seemed like an obvious thing to attend - and in person as it was being held in North London not far from where I live (at the Highbury Centre). Anyway, I went along last Monday and as it turned out I was the only one to turn up in person apart from the committee! There were also eight online. (In the deep and distant past I served on the BEC committee that predates this one). It was good to hear Graham Nicholls and others reporting on the various activities (finance, Foundations, the coming theological conference, media opps, etc). I knew several of the committee and enjoyed meeting more of them. They even stood me a meal, which was kind. Affinity is a great idea and it was good to touch base afresh.
BTW theyve just revamped their website. Check it out here.

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