
Grace Baptist Mssion Annual Meetings 2022

If  anyone is wondering where I've got to, it's that we had family here last week and then I got ill. Anyway I'm starting to get better so now I'm trying to get back on track with things, beginning with the GBM meetings on Ocotber 29 at The Firnds House on Euston Road. Numbers present were not massive but it was good to be into some sort of normatlity again and to hear about the work in former Soviet Republics and elsewhere through public and private meetings and to see plenty of old friends. We also said farewell to three couples who have been part of the GBM family for various lengths of time which is sad in some ways but inevitable. It was quite encouraging to hear from one person of my own role in encouraging them to spend all those years abroad, which I don't think I eard before. What a good day!

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