
The World Cup

The World Cup is well underway and I have been enjoying it where I can. Weird it being in Winter and coming up to Christmas. It has been interesting all the comment and controversy surrounding the holding of it in Qatar. In all the discussion I've heard no-one refer to the fact that it is not easy to be a Christian there if you are native born and it is getting worse. It is one of the countries that most commonly closes churches. FIFA and the World cup are ultimately Anti-Christ movements that seek to create an alternative united world organisation. By that I don't mean it's wrong to watch but I do think we need to be careful and restrained, as with all these things (the Olympics, Eurovision Song Contest, etc). It is understandable that they want a world cup in the Middle East and one sees how attractive the whole idea is. Inevitably, there are going to be difficulties, however. For more on being a Christian in Qatar see here.

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