
Multicultural London

Multiculturalism has a downside perhaps but mostly it is a joy to be in the midst of it. Two cases yesterday. I was in Golders Green and I spoke with a Trinidadian lady who had come to Golders Green becasue she knew it had Jewish shops and she was after a Jewish prayer shawl. I warned her that it would not make her pray any better but pointed her in the direction where the Jewish shops are mainly situated. As I spoke with her one of my members passed. She is a Londoner but her father is Japanese and so she is very aware of those cultural nuances. Then on my way back I passed two African women talking in a language that sounded suspiciously like Hebrew. One of them confirmed to me that it was. I mentioned the falashas but she did not seem familiar with that word. I don't recall ever meeting a Hebrew speaking African.

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