
10 Nazi Triangles

1 Red triangle – political prisoners: occupied country resistance members, social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, gentiles who assisted Jews; trade unionists and Freemasons.
2 Green triangle – convicts and criminals.
3 Blue triangle – foreign forced labourers and emigrants. This category included apatrides, Spanish refugees from Francoist Spain whose citizenship was revoked and emigrants to countries which were occupied by Nazi Germany or were under German sphere of influence.
4 Purple triangle – primarily Jehovah's Witnesses (over 99%) as well as members of other small pacifist religious groups.
5 Pink triangle – primarily homosexual men and those who identified as such at the time (eg bisexual men, male prostitutes, etc, and sexual offenders as well as pedophiles and zoophiles. Many in this group were subject to forced sterilization.
6 Black triangle – people deemed asocial elements (asozial) and work-shy (arbeitsscheu), including the following: Roma and Sinti. They wore the black triangle with a Z notation (for Zigeuner, meaning Gypsy) to the right of the triangle's point. Roma were later assigned a brown triangle. Mentally ill and developmentally disabled. Their triangles were additionally inscribed with the word Blöd, meaning stupid. This category included, notably, autistic people. Though many others including schizophrenic and epileptic people were forcibly sterilized, shot or gassed in psychiatric institutions as opposed to at the Nazi camps. Alcoholics and drug addicts. Vagrants and beggars. Pacifists and conscription resisters. Sex workers. Lesbians. Other disabled people, such as people with diabetes (as "Diabetes was conceptualized as a Jewish disease not necessarily because its prevalence was high among this population, but because medicine, science and culture reinforced each other".
7 Brown triangle – Assigned to Roma later on in the Romani Holocaust.
8 Uninverted red triangle – an enemy POW (Sonderhäftling, meaning special detainee), a spy or traitor (Aktionshäftling, meaning activities detainee), or a military deserter or criminal (Wehrmachtsangehöriger, meaning Armed Forces member).
9 Yellow triangle - Jews. These were used in conjunctionwith other triangles, so red inverted triangle superimposed on a yellow one = a Jewish political prisoner; green inverted triangle superimposed on a yellow one = a Jewish habitual criminal; purple inverted triangle superimposed on a yellow one = JW of Jewish descent; pink inverted triangle superimposed on a yellow one = Jewish "sexual offender", typically a gay or bisexual man; black inverted triangle superimposed on a yellow one = "asocial" or work-shy Jew; voided black inverted triangle superimposed over a yellow triangle = a Jew convicted of miscegenation and labelled as a Rassenschänder (race defiler); yellow inverted triangle superimposed over a black triangle - Aryan woman convicted of miscegenation and labelled as a Rassenschänder.
10 Blue inverted triangle superimposed on a red one = foreign forced labour and political prisoner (eg Spanish Republicans in Mauthausen).

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