
Evangelical Library 2024

For the first time in a long time, it was possible to hold an in person meeting at the Library in Bounds Green last Monday (June 3). The lecturer was David Campbell, a Baptist pastor in Preston. He spoke on Alexander Stewart of Moulin 1764-1821. The only disappointment was that only 15 people were there to hear the lecture. Stewart entered the ministry as an unbeliever but was not only converted by the grace of God but saw revivial in Moulin. David Campbell drew attention to this and urged us to pray for unconverted ministers and befriend them where possible. He also pointed out how it was the fortitude in suffering of the sister of Stewart's friend David Black that was a catalyst for Stewart's conversion. Hopefully, the lecture will appear on the Library's YouTube channel soon and a written version will be published in In Writing next Autumn.
The Banner of Truth are soon to publish the biography of Stewart by James Sievewright. See here.

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