
Proc Trust EMA 2024 First Afternoon


Our afternoon was taken up with a round table duiscussion featuring our morning speakers and Cnrad Mbewe who is slated to speak tomorrow. The chair was Liz Cox, a PT Trustee. Questions discussed included preaching and prayer, chief elements in the Christian ministry.A very pleasant post-prandial hour.  (There was an alternative seminar with Andrew Sach  on preaching 1 and 2 Kings which some attended). The day finished with an exposition of the opening chapter of 1 Thessalonians from Nigel Styles, who for the last eight years has been Director of the Proclamation Trust and Director of the Cornhill Training Course. He begins work this summer with Cross Connections an international work that has grown out of the Proclamation Trust work and now has twenty ‘International Hubs’ training expository preachers. His expositon was typically Proc Trust - careful exposition of the text. Good to chat with people again (Ken Brownell, Dan Jarvis, Adrian Tribe, Phil Venables, Chris Hawthorne, etc, and my father-in-law). Good day then. Hot but okay.

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