
Sage advice from Dr Lloyd-Jones

This is from a letter written by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones that appears ina new biography of Leslie Land by Ian Shaw. He is telling Lad how to deal with his depression. Much of it is counter-intuitive but is correct I am sure and can be help to anyone in a similar conditon.

1. Your present trouble is only temporary. It is quite a common happening at your age and it will in no way affect you permanently. It is quite a common experience and one from which the patient invariably makes a full recovery. Do not analyse your symptoms. Still less be worried about them. Our nervous system can play all sorts of tricks with us and if we begin to consider each symptom we can become very worried. Avoid that. Just relax completely and give nature a chance.
2. Don't be in too much of a hurry. Reconcile yourself to the fact that for the time being you must do just nothing. That is the way to prepare for the future.
3. Do not think at all about the work at Leicester (Land was pastor of Melbourne Hall). It is God's, not yours, and he will care for it.
4. You will find that this experience will be most rewarding spiritually. It will bring you as it has brought me to rest more in the love and perfect wisdom of God. I am sure that He has something special for you in all this for which you will thank Him all your life. It will enrich your ministry.
Rest in him and abandon yourself entirely to him.

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